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Leaves of Absence & Withdrawal Policy

Leave of Absence

The purpose of a leave of absence is to allow a student a break in their studies without having to withdraw from the college and apply for readmission.

How to Request a Leave of Absence

Applications for leave of absence are located in the Office of Academic Advising. Applications must be submitted to the Assistant Dean of Student Success for approval by the end of course selection prior to the semester(s) requested. Requests for a leave of absence are not accepted after classes begin.

Leave of Absence Policies

  • A leave of absence may be for one or two semesters, with a maximum of two semesters during a student’s college career.
  • A student may request the Assistant Dean of Student Success extend the student’s leave from one semester to two semesters.
  • Students participating in approved study-abroad programs are considered to be making progress toward their Agnes Scott degree and are not considered on leave.

Returning from a Leave of Absence

A student granted a leave of absence does not need to apply for readmission. By the deadline stated on the leave of absence request form, the student should notify the Assistant Dean of Student Success of their intent to return. A student who does not return within the time specified for their leave will be considered withdrawn and must apply for readmission.

Taking Classes Elsewhere While on a Leave of Absence

A leave of absence may not be used to attend classes full-time at another institution. If, for good reason, a student on leave wishes to take courses at another college or university, the student should first consult with the assistant dean of the college. Except under special circumstances, strict limitations apply to the amount of academic credit that may be earned during a leave of absence: 8 hours during a one-semester leave and 12 hours during a two-semester leave. If academic credit is attempted, a student must submit an official transcript to the college prior to returning. If a student is not in good standing at another institution, the student must apply for readmission to Agnes Scott.

Withdrawing From the College

A student who wishes to withdraw from the college must obtain a withdrawal form from the Assistant Dean of Student Success. The withdrawal is not official until signed by the Assistant Dean of Student Success. Withdrawal forms will not be signed while the student is involved in a disciplinary action.

Withdrawing After the Deadline to Drop a Course with a “W” Grade

Withdrawals from the college with an effective date after the deadline to drop a course with a “W” grade will result in grades of “WF.” Grades of “WF” factor into the GPA the same as grades of “F.”

In cases in which a student withdraws from the college after the deadline to withdraw with “W” grades and the student has documentation of a serious hardship or medical problem, the student may appeal to a committee composed of staff from the academic affairs division. Appeals would need to be submitted before the last day of classes for that semester. If approved by this committee for an exception, the student would receive grades of “W” instead of “WF.” If requested, and documentation supports a medical cause for withdrawal, the committee may approve grades of “MED” for all courses instead of “W” or “WF.”

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